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H&L Investments

H&L Investments or Hargreaves Lansdown as it is known in full is one of the most recognizable names in the investment industry in the United Kingdom.

They have been in the investment business for quite a while now and this wealth of experience that goes over 30 years has been a positive attribute towards building a long-term relationship with their clients who are from various parts of the world.

This is just one of the things that prove their reputation but for the keen investor who is more conscious of regulations the fact that they are registered by the Financial Conduct Authority under the reference number FNR 149970 and they're registered as Hargreaves Lansdown Stockbroker Ltd is something to note.


H&L Review


Another thing to know about H&L Investments is the fact that they have 58.8 billion Pounds of assets under management and that is not the kind of money many brokers claim to have under their management.




This is just an added advantage to the client because they will be investing in a broker that is very liquid and they will always have their interests at heart because they are investing their money to in the same conditions.

In addition to that, they have a strong client base of 783000 clients, and this is more than most brokers have in their databases.

The more clients a broker has, the easier, it is to convince new clients to get on board because the massive numbers create a sense of trust and comfort.

Since they have a massive number if clients to cater for they also have a massive workforce to counter any issues that the clients can raise, and this is handled by their massive 950 employee workforce stationed in Bristol.

They are professionals in their fields of work, and they have no problem helping any client with their problems, they take an average of 15.4 seconds to respond to any call from their clients and this time is reducing as they make their systems more compatible with their client base.

They have been recognized as a quality company and that has been proven by their inclusion in the FTSE 100, a list of companies that have achieved certain milestones to be awarded that level of recognition as large-cap organizations.

They offer several products for their clients through their trading platform called the Vantage Service, through this platform they have been able to offer 2500 funds from the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Europe. 

They also offer ETFs, investment trusts, bonds and gilts among many other investment products.


H&L Investments


For the self-directed trader who wants to trade the more volatile markets like the forex market, indices spread betting, commodities trading and the CFDs can do so via the HL Markets subsidiary which handles these types of markets.

Through the years they have gained recognition, and this has led them to win several awards from the Money Week Magazine.

These awards range from best ISA provide, to best SIPP provider, to the best mobile trading platform and the best trading platform.

Their recognition is balanced, and that means that they are a broker that is keen on offering quality products based on every service they provide for their clients.


H&L Investments Services


H&L Investments has several services they provide for their clients.

These services have been categorized in a manner that the trader can easily select the investment option he or she wants and follow the easy to follow steps to get started.

H&L has ISAs, and these ISAs are broken into two sections; the stocks and shares ISAs and the junior stocks and shares ISA.



Then they have the pension based investment products; they have the SIPP, annuities, and drawdown investment product.

They have a section that is called investing which covers most of the investment products that H&L provides to its clients. These are; share dealing, fund and share account, investing for children, HL multi-manage funds, ETFs, investment trusts, corporate bonds, and gilts, and lastly the bed and ISA& SIPP investment products.


H&L investment products


They also offer access to investment ideas that have been tested over the years, and they have proven to stand the test of time.

These idea generators are wealth 150, master portfolio, and HL portfolios.



They also offer advanced investing options for the skilled investors who have knowledge of how these volatile markets work; the investment products are; VCTs, spread betting and CFDs.

They also have access to currency-based investments through their foreign currency service.

They also give their clients a first free consultation based on the investments they want to make; this gives the client a good idea of what they want to do with their investments and what kind of portfolio suits them as investors.

They have investment services targeted towards the companies; they tailor make pension plans for the companies with flexible benefits, they have a corporate currency service for the companies, and they help the companies create charity funds and share accounts.

H&L also has a newsroom to keep their clients updated on any developments and to update their clients on any changes in the markets that may affect their investment. In addition to this, they have help and guide tools to give their clients the support they need when they need it.


H&L: Charges on Transactions


H&L is a very reliable investment partner to have, they have advanced their services, and they have introduced all their services on an online basis.

This means the traders can deal directly with their mobile phone devices or computers from any location around the world at very affordable rates.

The charges for share dealing are based on the number of trades the investor made to date; for more than 20 trades transacted the trader pays 5.95 Pounds per deal, for more than 10 but less than 19 the trader pays 8.95 Pounds per deal, and lastly with less than 10 trades made the investor incurs an 11.95 Pounds per deal.

These charges are very affordable, and it makes investing more efficient and profitable.


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